Father, once again, I sit at Your feet. As I open up Your Word, may I see what You want me to see. May the impression it makes on me speak to me throughout this day and the days to come.

1 Timothy 5:17-23 (<<click here to read the passage)

As a pastor, Lord, it is obvious that I have a great responsibility: to uphold and proclaim Your Word and to live an exemplary life before both my congregations and the world. However, as Paul states in today’s passage, the congregation has responsibilities, as well, to support their pastor financially and to lift him up and encourage them. They are also to hold them accountable.

Lord, I am so very blessed to serve the churches to which I have been appointed. Growing up in a pastor’s home, I have many warm thoughts of people and events, but I am well aware that there were many struggles. There were many contributing factors, but it is a fact that we didn’t live in any community for more than 3½ years. Situations would develop, and packing would commence. I am grateful that my father, too, was richly blessed to serve a congregation in his “retirement,” where he was loved and supported in so many ways. He touched many lives, and they touched him as well.

My prayer is that I continue to meet the needs of the churches I serve – that I will faithfully teach them, feed them, and challenge them. I know they love me, support me, and respect me. Yes, there are things I could improve upon, and with the Lord’s help, I will. May they continue to go deeper into their relationships with God so we can impact the world for the Kingdom!

(Sept 22nd, 2015, Tues, 6:40 am)
Sept 9th, 2024, Mon, 12:32 pm