Sitting in Your presence, this old song came to mind: “Father, I adore You, lay my life before You, How I love You.” It is a simple truth to begin my day, but one laden with profound possibilities.

1 Timothy 6:3-5 (<<click here to read the passage)

Reading this passage, my mind is aswirl with all the opinions and mindsets of this world. Many are quick to proclaim what they hold to be truth, and many of those are just as quick to condemn all who do not hold to the same “truth.” What I struggle with, Lord, is…if they read Your Word and I read Your Word, and it is the same Word – how can our interpretations be so vastly different?! We cannot all be right.

Lord, I strive to follow You. My daily goal is to read Your Word and to abide by it faithfully. As Paul says here to Timothy, Some people may contradict our teaching, but these are the wholesome teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ” v.3

Things I hear and things I read many times just don’t fit – they out and out contradict Your “wholesome teachings,” Lord! I pray that you will reveal Your truth to me. Help me to clearly see Your reality. Help me not to bend and twist Your Word so that it fits my mindset – my agenda. Paul speaks the truth when he states that these mindsets “stir up arguments ending in jealousy, division, slander, and evil suspicions…” and they “…always cause trouble.” Boy, do they ever!!

Lord, first and foremost, I pray that You and You alone would be my source for what truth really is. And as I know that truth that, I would live that truth. And when my life intersects with all the other, so-called “truths,” that I would respond as You would – if they are lost – with love and the utmost of patience and if they are “believers” – with firmness and courage! Help me to be Your ambassador.

(Sept 25th, 2015, Fri, 5:58 am)
Sept 12th, 2024, Thurs, 1:19 pm