Father, as I come before You this day, once again, I give myself over to You to do with as You will. We know that I am far from perfect and that the only hope I have when it comes to holiness – to be considered a vessel worthy of the use of God Almighty – is to call upon You each day for Your help. On my own, I am weak, but in yielding to You is where strength is found. Many aspects of life attempt to bring me down and take me out, but when I am in You, I am more than a conqueror! I conquer my assailant, but even beyond that, I find joy in this life. Help me stand strong and be filled with joy that comes only from You! Amen!

1 Timothy 6:11 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, I will never cease to be amazed at how You direct my thoughts, even as we come together, towards what I will read in Your word! Praise Your holy Name!

“Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you… Then no one can find fault with you from now until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again.”

As long as we live here on this earth, until we cross the threshold of death and step into Your presence, we are vulnerable. We are susceptible to sin. If we depend only on ourselves and rely solely on our strength, we will fail. If there is anything I have learned over the last few months, it is that the absolute only way I can be victorious is when I totally give myself over to You, Jesus!

It happens far too often that prominent followers of You crash and burn. When that happens (to any of us!), it is a poor reflection of You, Lord. I pray for Your children – may they run to You and not from You. But I also pray for me. I need You this and every day. Help me not to wander. Help me to continue to “Fight the good fight for the truth faith.” May the way I live my life lift You up, Lord. Keep me on the straight and narrow so that my life would be a good reflection of who you truly are.

(Sept 30th, 2015, Wed, 5:58 am)
Sept 18th, 2024, Tues, 1:23 pm