Thank you, Father, for Your time frame. There have been things that I have been dealing with, and in good time, You are taking care of things. Help me to stay close, for You are the true way! Amen.

1 Timothy 6:17-19 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, we are abundantly blessed – and our blessings are not just monetary in nature. Many are blessed with family, with love, with joy, and peace – there are so many things for which to be thankful. We may be blessed, but are we willing to share with those who are less fortunate?

Each day, I have choices to make. Will I share my blessings or keep them to myself? Joy is a highly valued commodity. Sometimes, life and the way we address it depletes our store of joy. Lord, may I be generous in my dispersion of the overabundance of joy in my heart.

Sometimes, love is hard to find. Many are lonely and destitute. People often have no family and few friends, or possibly the family or friends they do have are oblivious or apathetic to their need for love. And many times, people are just plain hard to love. Lord, help me see people as You see them – to peer through the crusty layers of grumpiness or anger to the core of people’s being and to love them even in their “unloveliness.”

Yes, Lord, many of us are very “wealthy,” and we are wealthy in many ways. Help us not to be hoarders and hermits, but may we be generous givers so we may enrich the world with You!

(Oct 2nd, 2015, Fri, 6:12 am)
Sept 19th, 2024, Wed, 5:07 pm