Thank You, Father, for who You are. I am lost without You. Only with You do I find wholeness. May I strive with all I am to stay close by Your side, amen.

2 Timothy 1:3-4 (<<click here to read the passage)

So often, Lord, we think of prayer as a last resort – “I’ve tried everything to rectify this situation, and nothing has worked; I guess all that there’s left to do is pray.” And then we cross our fingers and hope for the best.

Lord, I am so grateful that mindset shows itself less and less in my life. I’m sure I still do too much and overthink way too much. But more and more, You are teaching me to give things over to You first in prayer and then to do and think as You would have me to.

I realize I have a long way to go, but Lord, You have truly helped me tremendously in my prayer life. In today’s passage, Paul consistently prays for Timothy. In fact, he says, “Night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.” And though it is not recorded, I’m sure that Timothy prayed for Paul, too.

Every day we come together I pray for many people and situations. Even on days when I don’t sit down with You, I try to remember people and lift them to You in prayer. Some for whom I pray, I see almost every day, some I speak with on the phone regularly, some I rarely see, and some I have only maybe met, but regardless, I can touch them because I pray for them. My prayers make a difference. Amazingly, You use me to impact others. Lord, help me to not forsake my coming to You. Help me to lift others up to You and be diligent in doing so. Help me to be more passionate. Help me to rejoice and weep to be overcome with Your presence and what You are accomplishing in my life and the lives of others. Lord, I am so appreciative that You share my burdens with me, but I would ask that You would let me share Your burden as well – to see what weighs on You; use me to accomplish Your will here on this earth. I truly wait to do all You ask of me through prayer, through action – whatever You need. It’s the least I can do.

(Oct 13th, 2015, Tue, 6:32 am)
Sept 24th, 2024, Tues, 1:09 pm