As I sit here, Father, and consciously note my breathing, I give You praise. So many will wake up and have difficulty doing that today. I say a prayer for them. Some may not be challenged to breathe, but every breath is accompanied by pain or grief. I pray for them, as well. Some are waking today with no physical struggles, but where they are, they may wonder if they will live to the end of it. Military and law enforcement, people in war-torn lands, and many may be praying for a day of safety. May I not forget them in my prayers throughout the day. Father, thank You for where I am; help me not to take it for granted – I am truly blessed.

2 Timothy 1:3-4 (<<click here to read the passage)

Lord, as I look back over my life, I am reminded of the great spiritual heritage I am blessed with. Godly parents and grandparents all have lived lives faithful to You and Your calling on their lives. All of them prayed that I would also place my faith in You. Saying I am blessed is truly an understatement!

I am grateful that You instilled in them a “genuine faith” and that, as with Timothy, “that same faith continues strong in [me]!” I know that all of us have struggled and that none of us have been perfect, but all of us have been diligent – all of us have persevered. None of us were satisfied with status quo spirituality. All of us sought an ever-deepening relationship with You – onward and upward!

Lord, as my grandparents devoted their lives to You and as my mom and dad continue to do so, may I – each and every day – give myself over to You. Help me to continue to faithfully be the torch of Your great love for all.

(Oct 14th, 2015, Wed, 7:28 am)
Sept 25th, 2024, Wed, 9:27 am