Father, when I awake tomorrow morning, I will have a full day ahead of me, and right now, I lay it in Your hands. Help me focus on what is truly important and apply myself to accomplish the tasks at hand. Direct my thoughts, helping me to keep them in line with Your thoughts. As I prepare for worship this coming Sunday, help me to listen to where You would have me go. I am Your instrument – use me as You will. Amen.

2 Timothy 1:6-7 (<<click here to read the passage)

Oh, Lord, You have given me specific spiritual gifts, talents, and abilities uniquely blended just for me. Others may have similar gifts, but none are just like mine. Help me, this day, to use them effectively. As Paul says, may I continue to “fan into flames” those gifts. May I never let them grow cold from lack of use. May they glow with a warmth that draws others to You from the chilly, and sometimes outright cold, world in which we find ourselves.

And, Lord, I would also pray that You would embolden me. You have not given me a “spirit of fear and timidity.” But You have given me “power” to accomplish whatever task is before me, if it is routine or formidable. You’ve given us a spirit of “love” so that how we discharge our duties is flavored differently than the world. The “salt” we apply takes the blandness of life away and fills it with flavor. Then lastly, Lord, as You have already bent my mind to in my opening prayer, may the spirit of “self-discipline” make my work profitable for You and Your glory. Use me to impact the world for You!

(Oct 15th, 2015, Thurs, 7:31 am)
Sept 29th, 2024, Sun, 7:03 pm