Father, I am so looking forward to today! I am eager to share what You have laid upon my heart. I am so grateful that You found me useful in proclaiming Your word. But I guess when it comes right down to it, I am overwhelmingly grateful that You found me, period. It is truly an honor and a joy to be Your child. I am blessed beyond measure! Praise Your holy name!
Hebrews 4:14 (<<click here to read the passage)
Lord, You are a High Priest that surpasses any other. Being fully God and fully ma,n You fulfill that role perfectly! And because You are who You are, we can “hold firmly to what we believe.”
Quoting a current cultural colloquialism, “You got my back.” There is nothing that we can’t handle as long as I rely on You. In and of myself, I will fall. Even now, totally random things keep popping in my head—things that are not of You, but I am holding to what I believe. The minions of darkness are not welcome here! You, Jesus, are my Lord and Savior, You are my High Priest. You are the Supreme Sacrifice that eradicates the sin in my life. I, right now, claim Your forgiveness. I, in You, claim the power to overcome! Darkness, you have no power over me. You are expelled from my presence because the King is here – be gone!
“The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?” Psalm 27:1
Thank You, Jesus; I am an overcomer because of You!
(Mar 6th, 2016, Sun, 6:19 am)
Feb 8th, 2025, Sat, 4:11 pm