A wonderful day of interaction with beautiful people, Father! Thank You for blessing upon blessing!


Father, I’ve often thought of your rock-solid, never-changing consistency. You are “[eternally changeless, always] the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8) Your “lovingkindness (graciousness, mercy, compassion) endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1 AMP) These are truly awesome aspects of who You are.

But sitting here reading, praying, and thinking, it comes to my mind that I can know many things about who You are but, at least on this side of eternity, I cannot know everything about You. I mean, You are God! How can I, in my finite humanity, know but a small portion of Your infinite divinity?! Just thinking along these lines literally blows me away – my mind is going every which way! It is simply not possible to keep you in a box – to think I could ever possibly begin to understand the multifaceted particulars of who You are.

A children’s Sunday School song (of all things!) speaks of You as a fountain flowing deep and wide. But how true it is! I could never begin to fathom Your depths. In times past I’ve pictured myself floating in a body of water representative of You. There is no fear but all I can see in every direction is water – deep and wide, deep and wide…

In our pride, we like to think we’ve got You all figured out. We have You all compartmentalized along with everything else in life…but it just can’t be done! You are an awesome God! We could all spend every minute of every day contemplating You and after thousands of years, we would have just scratched the surface!

It is overwhelming – yes…but Your greatest desire, I genuinely believe, is for us to have a relationship with You – an intimate relationship. You know literally everything there is to know about us, and You want us to know all we possibly can about You! Thank You for making that possible. You loved us so much that You gave Your one and only Son so that we might be saved from our sin and reconciled to You. Thank You, thank You, thank You! You are truly an awesome God!

I’ve said that too many times not to share Rich Mullins’ song, Awesome God!

(Feb 11th, 2017, Sat, 5:44 am)
Apr 9th, 2023, Sun, 8:17 pm