Well, Father, today started well, but it took a tailspin before it was all said and done. We fervently pray for Your hand upon us and all the circumstances. You know all the particulars and Your will will be done. We lay it all in Your hands.

1 Peter 5:5-6 (<<click here to read the passage)

Young and old, Lord – many times we struggle with each other. Lack of respect plagues both sides. Lack of understanding does as well. Frustration can run high. The best thing we can do is to follow Peter’s advice and embrace humility.

In a lot of ways, I think that “pride” impacts us like an allergic reaction. Someone says something with which we don’t agree and it’s like a bee sting! We react almost instantaneously, and our pride swells us up so much so that we can’t see things for what they are. I can picture someone with their eyes swollen shut! Pride works the same way many times and when it “attacks” we need a big dose of the anti-inflammatory called humility.

Our society is a ticking time bomb. Say the “wrong” thing, stand up for the “wrong” cause, express your opinion and if it differs from someone else – watch out! You might just get blown to pieces! We all just need to slow down and think…think…before we act – before we speak – before we blow up!

Love…humility…compassion…mercy…respect…all need to factor in – especially as Christians. God is the judge, not us. Yes, I realize some things are blatant, in-your-face, over-the-top sin. But can any of us honestly throw the first stone? (John 8:1-11) We are all guilty. Sin is sin and there is no ranking amongst them.

Young and old, black and white, men and women, any combination we can come up with…let us love one another! Lord, You said it Yourself,

“This is My commandment, that you love and unselfishly seek the best for one another, just as I have loved you.” John 15:12 AMP

Lord, help me to use the anti-inflammatory of humility to combat my reactions to pride. Help me to see through your eyes – eyes that see clearly – and to respond as You would. Amen.

(Feb 15th, 2017, Wed, 9:57 am)
Apr 10th, 2023, Mon, 9:35 pm