It has been a very full day, Father, and I am not nearly done – between driving my routes and going with family to set up funeral arrangements for my father-in-law, it has been pretty much non–stop since a little after 4:00 this morning. Lord may our time together yield a harvest bringing You glory. Amen.


Caffeine… Sometimes I can use it to my benefit. Sometimes I don’t even realize that it’s there. But sometimes…sometimes it is surely my enemy!

Back when I worked at Kohl’s, Karen would regularly meet me for supper in the midst of her grocery shopping (Wednesdays were my regular closing night). We both enjoy iced tea with our meal. Now it doesn’t bother her in the least (she could drink a glass right before bedtime!) but my cutoff time at the time was around 7:00 pm. (I have since learned that caffeine can stay in your system for 8-12 hours. My cutoff time how is lunch!)

Back then I would often take a cup with me back to work. I might take a sip of two on my last break of the evening and sometimes would save the rest for the next day. Now I know better, but I recall that one night I was so thirsty that I had some around 8:00 but I had most of what was left before heading home around 10:00! Majorly bad idea!

I was able to get to bed around 11:00 but by 3:30 or so I was still wide awake! I could not fall asleep. I couldn’t even lie still! Left side, back, ride side – over and over again – I even tried lying on my stomach but to no avail. My tossing and turning had to have bothered Karen. So, I headed to the couch, grabbed a blanket, and finally fell asleep!

I know better but too often tell myself, “It won’t affect me this time. Maybe I will handle it better this time. I’m so thirsty – one little drink won’t hurt. Right?” Wrong! Caffeine is one thing, but sin impacts me, as well, except the consequences of sin are not just an interrupted night’s sleep – they can affect me for eternity if I don’t take care of them.

And by taking care of my sin, I mean taking it to You, Lord. That is the only thing I can do. Only You can really take care of them. You eradicate them.

I have referred to this verse from Psalm 103

He has removed our sins as far from us
as the east is from the west. v12 NLT

…but this one from Micah 7:19,

He shall again have compassion on us;
He will subdue and tread underfoot our wickedness [destroying sin’s power].
Yes, You will cast all our sins
Into the depths of the sea. AMP

Help us to not justify sinning. May we never think it won’t affect us. May we never be lured into thinking that we can handle it better this time or that this one time won’t hurt. For it will…it surely will. It hurts us and it hurts our relationship with You. Spiritual, our cut-off time was the moment we gave our lives over to You. Enable us to be faithful to You, Lord. Amen.

(Mar 2nd, 2017, Thurs, 5:01 am)
Apr 17th, 2023, Mon, 7:37 pm