Thank You, Father, for family. We came together today to accomplish an involved task and saw it to completion. Working together, we were able to have a significant impact!

1 Corinthians 13:7d (<<click here to read the passage)

Love…endures all things [without weakening]. AMP

Most of us are familiar with the Energizer Bunny. I learned recently that it was created in 1988 as a parody of the Duracell Bunny, which first appeared in television advertising in 1973 in its “Drumming Bunny” commercial.

The Duracell Bunny commercial depicted several pink toy bunnies drumming. By the end of the spot, only one was still running –the one powered by a Duracell alkaline battery.

In a more recent Energizer Bunny ad campaign (2007), an Energizer Bunny Beanie Baby came with the following poem attached:

“Whether at home, at work or play
Nothing will get in E.B.’s way
And here’s one thing that’s sure worth knowing
This bunny just keeps going and going!”

As I sit here, having begun writing earlier and now having traveled a short distance to meet up with family for dinner, I feel like my knock-off brand batteries are running low and will soon call it quits for today.

I am grateful that true love is not dependent upon batteries at all – neither Energizer nor Duracell! The love that we find in God’s unending supply never runs low! It endures all things; and as the Amplified Bible puts it, it does so without weakening!

That is most certainly one of the great challenges of humanity when we grow weary or are dealing with pain or anything else that stretches our patience to the nth degree. In those circumstances, we find it difficult to love. Instead, we get short; we snap at those we love because, far too often, our love is in too short a supply. That’s when we must tap into God’s supply, as I spoke of a couple of days ago when I said, “Our source for a never-ending reservoir of love? God is that source!” (Love – Look for the Best in Each Other)

Lord Jesus, with Your help, may our love endure all things without weakening!

Jan 4th, 2023, Thurs, 4:54 pm