I am grateful, dear Father, for Your guidance and direction over the last few days, in particular. I love when I can feel You helping me—preparing sermons and speaking in all three of our services this morning. I am most assuredly blessed!

1 Thessalonians 5:15 (<<click here to read the passage)

“no…evil for evil” “do good”

Lord, this is really a very simple concept, but it is definitely counterculture! Our knee-jerk reaction is to respond in like manner – you hurt me, I hurt you! (worse, if possible!) But that reaction is totally, without question, not You. You, the Creator of all that is, almighty (emphasis on the all) God, have every reason to punish Your rebellious (putting it very mildly) creation. And pointedly, our punishment is death, and rightly so. The Bible is replete with accounts where Your punishment was meted out, and in every instance, it was justified. But also, in every instance, punishment was preceded by innumerable attempts at reconciliation! You’re patient and oh so longsuffering. Thank You for Your unsurmountable love!

Ultimately, You came to teach us and love us face to face, and our response was to return evil for love, ultimately nailing You to a cross… Is that enough reason for Your retaliation? Definitely! But did You? No!! You’re the very epitome of love! Evil… for evil is not even an option!

Lord, help me overcome my tendencies to give evil for evil. I am not a vengeful person, but I do have a temper, and only You can help me temper that temper. May every molecule of my being radiate Your love! May it control my actions and words in every situation, no matter how difficult. Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Enable me to “do good to all people.” With Your power, wisdom, and love, I can do it!

(July 31st, 2015, Fri, 6:44 am)
July 28th, 2024, Sun, 4:37 pm